Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sixth and final give away!

This final give away is contributed by Karen. No, it isn't a box of chocolates although who would complain about that?
Open the boxes and what do you see? Lots of very cool items that all of us here are coveting! The round box is full of all kinds of beads. Well, not ALL kinds of beads, but there are plenty of them in many colors, shapes and sizes.
The chocolate box is chock full of wonderful things mostly created by Karen. There are three ATC's (Artist Trading Cards).
Several wonderful tags, some cards of buttons, some envelopes Karen made out of old calendar pages, a couple of new pens.
She is so talented at making greeting cards and has included a fabulous set of six of them, plus envelopes. She created several of these using vintage pages from an old children's book. Cute doesn't begin to describe them! If you want to be our next winner of this marvelous give away, just leave a comment on this post. If you are or become a follower that will allow you 2 chances to win this. We will pick a winner next Tuesday, April 12th.
 Here are four smiling faces, Pinky, Karen, Mary and April.  What a good looking happy group!  We sure have fun.  We hope you have fun anticipating winning this final give away.  I hope the photos show up this morning!


  1. Oh no, the final giveaway already? March certainly did fly by. I would love a chance on this one. Thanks for having all of them - it was fun anticipating winning!
    ♥ audrey

  2. Please count me in...looking forward to see what the goodies are (the pictures are broken) Thank You for the fun!

  3. Here I am again! :-D
    ME! ME!
    PICK ME!
    (I have no manners...seriously...I need to grow up)
    LOL!!! Yeah, Jan, you know that is not happening!


  4. I am thrilled with my win, I received my Dooleybobber from Jan and it is so beautiful, she also included some hand dyed vintage napkins - gorgeous. Thanks Jan and good luck to your other followers for this draw.

  5. I would love to be entered for a chance to win a better than box of chocolate. Thanks, The Olde Bagg

  6. Oh my goodness, how did I manage to miss the others? I would love to be included in the draw for this though.

  7. This is so cool -- put me in! Thanks---

  8. Those cards are so cute! You ladies are very talented! Karla
