Monday, November 15, 2010

Cigar Boxes Mosaic

Here is a photo collage of all of our cigar boxes, with good ol' boy Roy taking center stage as he does on the inside of Mary's box. From top left is Pinky's, April's, Jan's, Mary's, Mary's inside, Karen's, Karen's inside, Mary's close up, and side shot of April's. I left the collage large so you can click on it to see it larger.
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  1. Thanks, Jan, for posting all the altered cigar boxes. It is fun to see them all together. I loved your idea of legs on yours...very cooool.

  2. Wow, Ladies your boxes are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing and the good insperations.
    Dear hugs

  3. That is a good idea for a mosaic! It is so interesting to see everyones individual style. Every box has one special nice item. Thank you for sharing them once again!

  4. Thanks for putting all this mosaic together, Jan. They really look pretty good, don't they? And such a fun project!

  5. Ladies, you know that I collect boxes for all kinds of my bead projects and other stuff? So I would like to take all of your beautiful boxes. They are really wonderful! Greetings from Bavaria..
